SOPHI’s Journey through Global Sales Events
In the contemporary world, e-commerce has firmly established itself as the norm, making it…
3 Reasons Why You Need a Skilled Customer Service Agent for Your E-commerce Store
In the contemporary world, e-commerce has firmly established itself as the norm, making it…
7 Effective Strategies for Optimizing SEO for Your Business
We have all heard of SEO or Search Engine Optimization, but is it the silver bullet for improving…
Effective Ways to Ace Sales Development Representative Interview
Before you start applying as a Sales Development Representative (SDR), it’s essential to know how…
8 Tips for Creating Engaging and Shareable Social Media Content
Creating engaging and shareable social media content can be a challenge. How do you know if it…
7 Best Practices in Managing an Offshore Team
If you’re managing an offshore team, then you know that it can be challenging. There are time zone…
8 Effective Ways to Lower Average Handling Time (AHT)
Agents in call centers deal with a range of calls, each of which takes a varying amount of time,…
4 Ways to Manage Information Overload During Call Center Training
You must manage your time and information appropriately to learn from a training manual…
7 Ways in Dealing With Customer Complaints
If you work in customer service, you’ve dealt with customer complaints in the past. And if you…
Top 3 Ways Outsourcing Can Help Startups
Outsourcing is a common practice among startups that are scaling. It’s also a topic that many…